This image of the Unicef flag is in the Public Domain and can be used freely. If you use it on a webpage, a link to would be very much appreciated.
Flag of UNICEF in Flags of the World. Article on UNICEF in Wikipedia.
Flag of Unicef | | Appears in the following categories: Flags And Insignia See below to download clip art liking who you see in the mirror - click for more reasons to be happy play with this clip art - add text - add
20 ABiH, they did not hoist the flag of UNICEF, because had they hoisted the 21 UNICEF flag, things might have been different in that case. He then says 22 that the HVO never targeted the Old Bridge and destroyed it.
The flag of UNICEF has the leaves and globe of the UN flag but with a mother and child inlaid instead of the world map.