This image of the Swaziland flag is in the Public Domain and can be used freely. If you use it on a webpage, a link to would be very much appreciated.
The flag of Swaziland
The flag of Swaziland was adopted on October 1, 1968.
The red stands for past battles, the blue for peace and stability, and
the yellow for the resources of Swaziland.
Additional search resources for Flag Of Swaziland Illustration
Flag of Canada - Maple Leaf FlagflagSwaziland FlagAccurateAmerican Flagparachutist with Russian flagFlag of the United States
Objects & Close-Ups (147253) > Signs & Info (26971) > Maps &
Navigations (5996)
Objects &
National Flag of Swaziland: EPS vector format in both official
proportions and a standard sized 3:5 ratio version.
$4.95 - Swaziland - Macintosh - Download (.
The flag of Swaziland consists of three horizontal bands of blue
(top), red (triple width), and blue; the red band is edged in yellow;
centered in the red band is a large black and white shield covering
two spears and a staff decorated with feather tassels, all