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The flag of Minnesota consists of the state seal on a royal blue background with gold fringe. The seal is surrounded by a wreath of the state flower, the showy lady slipper.
The flag of Minnesota consists of the state seal on a royal blue background with gold fringe. A wreath of the state flower, the showy lady slipper, surrounds the seal.
The flag of Minnesota has the state seal in its center. Around the seal is a wreath of the state flower , the lady slipper. Three dates are woven into the wreath.
On the flag of Minnesota the State Seal is shown on a deep blue field. On the seal is a farmer watching an Indian on horseback riding westwards, refers to forcing Native Americans westward.
The state flag of Minnesota is blue with the state seal superimposed on the middle of it. Around the seal are pink and white lady's slippers, the state flower. A red ribbon scroll placed over the top portion of the seal bears the state motto.
The flag of Minnesota has some similarity to the flag of Michigan but the difference is the design placed right at the center of the flag. The base color is blue and the seal of Minnesota is placed on the center.